• Become a member of CVS Inverclyde

    Membership is FREE to all who meet the criteria

    • Join Inverclyde's third sector community
    • Make your voice heard
    • Discover exclusive member benefits
    • Easy, fast and free to sign up
  • Inverclyde Third Sector News

    Keep up to date with what's going on in Inverclyde's vibrant third sector.

  • Volunteering Online Training Courses

    CVS Inverclyde has developed two free e-learning courses, Supporting Young Volunteers and Step into Volunteering.

About us

Developing community groups, voluntary organisations and the social economy and… championing the role of the sector in building successful communities.

Our vision

A confident, inclusive and successful Inverclyde.

Our Mission

Championing the role of citizens, communities and the voluntary sector.

What we do

CVS Inverclyde exists to support, promote and represent Inverclyde’s third sector organisations - charities, community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. We do this because third sector organisations are about people and communities speaking and acting on their own behalf. A strong third sector means better outcomes for local people and successful communities taking control of their own destiny.

Inverclyde Life

Within the Inverclyde Life directory you can search the hundreds of social projects that exist locally. These projects include advice services, sports clubs, community centres, childcare, arts groups, care services, housing, community groups, activities for children, physical and mental health services, gardening projects and more.

As well as finding services you can also create your own directory of services that interest you or that you want to share with others. If you’re involved in the running of local projects you can also use the site to promote your activities and services to people who live locally.

inverclyde life logo

Volunteer Inverclyde

Volunteer Inverclyde is a project of CVS Inverclyde. People and communities helping each other is what we are all about. Community action is the best way to make everyone’s life as good as it can be.

  • Save the world icon Organisations can add their volunteering opportunities and build their volunteer team
  • love icon Volunteering benefits everyone! Start your volunteering journey today and browse local opportunities
CVS Inverclyde team meetings

Contact us

Have a question for us?

Our team are currently working hybrid both at home and in the office but can be contacted via individual emails or:

Our partners

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