Scottish Government Charity Law Review – Engagement Sessions with CVS Inverclyde

When and where
Date and timeTuesday 9 July, 2pm - 4pm (in-person); Tuesday 12 July, 10.30am- 12pm (online)
Location2 online events and 1 in-person (CVS Inverclyde office West College Scotland, Finnart Street, Greenock)
We’re getting our local third sector together to discuss the Scottish Government’s consultation on their review of charity law and what it should cover. The Scottish Government wants to hear from regulated Scottish Charities on whether they should review the charity regulation.
As part of its engagement with the charity sector the Scottish Government invites you to feed into the consultation by attending our event and help the Scottish Government decide the way forward with charity law in Scotland.
The Scottish Government want to hear your views on:
- Whether the sector wants a more general review of charity regulation
- What areas of charity regulation the sector need to be reviewed and why
We have three engagement sessions planned:
– Tuesday 25 June, 10.30am – 12.30pm (online)
– Tuesday 9 July, 2pm – 4pm (in-person, CVSI office West College Scotland, Finnart St, Greenock)
– Friday 12 July, 10.30am – 12.30pm (online)