Supporting School Attendance and Inverclyde’s Third Sector: Our Role in Their Future

When and where
Date and timeWednesday 1 November, 10.30am - 12.30pm
CVS Inverclyde is pleased to host a special session of the Best Start in Life Network to focus on how the local third Sector can support children, young people and families to improve opportunities to engage in learning.
Please join us on Wednesday 1 November from 10:30am – 12:30pm, online via MS Teams.
We know that successful learning goes hand-in-hand with supported families. This session includes presentations from:
- Liz Sommerville – Attainment Advisor at Education Scotland
- Susan Chambers – Virtual School Headteacher at Inverclyde Council
- Jayne Johnson – Attendance Lead at Inverclyde Council
The following discussion will explore where the third sector already helps support education and learning and where there are gaps we can fill. We recognise that families come is all shapes and sizes and they aren’t bound by blood alone. Likewise, the offer of holistic support may require services outside the traditional ‘children & families’ landscape. That’s where Inverclyde’s diverse third sector comes in, and our role in the future of Inverclyde’s children & young people.