We are inviting Inverclyde residents to share their views on issues affecting the health and wellbeing of people who live in Inverclyde.
Every three years, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) undertake a Health and Wellbeing Survey to find out the views of adult residents across Greater Glasgow and Clyde on issues related to health and wellbeing.
The latest survey, carried out in 2022/23, was the first survey since the Covid pandemic. A total of 1,138 Inverclyde residents took part in the survey. The results provide information on areas such as illness, mental health, social isolation, alcohol and drugs, community involvement, financial wellbeing and more. Read more about the results here.
CVS Inverclyde is working in partnership with NHS GGC and Inverclyde HSCP to engage with communities about the results from the survey and get their feedback on what action should be taken to address the issues raised. Your feedback will help to shape local planning, service delivery and support for communities.

News Highlights

07.07.24 – We attended a Family Fun Day at Greenock Cricket Club – we had a brilliant day and it was mobbed! We had bubbles and stickers for the kids, and we chatted to the adults about health and wellbeing in Inverclyde.
06.07.24 – We attended InverPride at the Beacon Arts Centre and had a brilliant day meeting new people and chatting to them about the health and wellbeing survey.
03.07.24 – Our second online focused group brought more detailed and passionate conversations about the challenges
27.06.24 – Our first online focus group saw an in-depth and varied discussion with local third sector staff and we discussed key topics from the health and wellbeing survey. The group brought a wealth of experience and expertise from their roles supporting our communities.
24.06.24 – Keep an eye out for our billboard in Greenock and Gourock.

06.06.24 – We were excited to join NHS GGC’s What Matters to You Day and members of the team visited healthcare settings across Inverclyde to chat to staff and patients about the health and wellbeing Survey. It was a great start to our engagement work and to get a sense of people’s ideas and experiences.

17.06.24 – We are thrilled to launch the health and wellbeing survey! This is a great opportunity for Inverclyde residents to feedback to Inverclyde HSCP and NHS GGC about their health and wellbeing experiences and opinions.