ICE is a CVS Inverclyde project, funded by the Scottish Government. The project has a focus on supporting Volunteer-led Groups, Social Enterprises, and Climate Change Activity in Inverclyde.

Year 1 Mappings – Social Enterprises and Schools

Other projects

Challenge Stigma Training
Welcome to Challenge Stigma Training! This training programme is a partnership initiative between CVS Inverclyde’s Resilience Network and Inverclyde’s Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP). On this […]

Cost of Living Campaign
In response to the Cost-of-Living Crisis, CVS Inverclyde launched a new sign-posting campaign to help Inverclyde residents identify and access […]

Kindness Awards and Kindness Awards Celebration
CVS Inverclyde has been working alongside Inverclyde Cares/Compassionate Inverclyde to facilitate the launch of a Kindness Awards scheme for Inverclyde. […]

Challenge Stigma
Challenge Stigma began as a series of online events exploring the stigma people are facing in Inverclyde, across a huge […]