CVS Inverclyde has been working alongside Inverclyde Cares/Compassionate Inverclyde to facilitate the launch of a Kindness Awards scheme for Inverclyde. This is an inclusive awards initiative where every nominee receives an award, in a celebration of everyday acts of kindness that make our community a better place to live. The Kindness Awards hope to foster a culture of kindness, compassion, and inclusivity for Inverclyde.
In November 2022, we hosted the inaugural Annual Kindness Awards, celebrating the 100+ nominees the awards had received to that point.
Organisations in Inverclyde can work towards a Bronze, Silver and Gold version of the awards by undertaking various pieces of work within their business. CVS Inverclyde received their Bronze award after undertaking the Bereavement Charter for Scotland work, creating a new Bereavement Charter and rewriting our in-house bereavement policy. We were the first employee organisation in Scotland to gain the Bereavement Charter mark. Following on from this, we received our Silver Kindness Award by writing a new Kindness Charter, the first organisation in Inverclyde to do so. If we can evidence this work in a year’s time, we will gain our Gold Award.
The next stage of the Kindness Awards work is the creation of the Inverclyde Compassion Commitment which will see a wider commitment across the area to values of compassion and kindness.
Nominate someone you know for a Kindness Award.

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