Our Support


Our membership is open to people who live, work or volunteer in Inverclyde and voluntary organisations that operate in Inverclyde. Voluntary organisations include community groups, sports clubs, drama groups, youth groups, community centres, charities, social enterprises, housing associations, churches and a much more. Membership is FREE to all who meet the criteria:

  • If an organisation, you serve a positive community purpose
  • If an individual, you have an interest in bettering the community
  • It is led by volunteers even if it employs paid staff
  • Isn’t part of the public sector or a political party
  • It doesn’t exist to generate profits to be distributed to shareholders

Organisational Development

  • Helping with organisation start up and wind-up process
  • Reviewing constitution
  • Weekly surgeries
  • Crisis support
  • Regular workshops
  • Consultancy for boards and trustee training
  • Support with setting up as a social enterprise


  • Access to our monthly funding surgeries
  • Editing and enhancement service for funding applications at competitive rates
  • Advice with contracts tendering and procurement
  • Facilitating Grants


  • 1-1 communication strategy advice
  • Communication training workshops
  • Your organisation or its events featuring on our social media, blog or in our monthly e-bulletin
  • Social media takeovers for campaign launches or special events (available once a month on a first come, first served basis)
  • Access to the community notice board


  • Your views and interests represented on the Inverclyde Alliance
  • Access to our research resources
  • Our monthly eBulletin and Funding Bulletin packed with events and opportunities
  • Exclusive training and events
  • More to be announced

CVS Inverclyde offers 6 hours of free individualised support to our members. These 6 sessions are available over a 6-month period and include governance, funding and communications support. Paid consultancy support may also be available upon request.

Grow your Charity

We’re here to support charities and voluntary groups at every level: from an idea to improve our communities, to established organisations with paid staff.

Our team can offer guidance and training on a range of issues from recruiting volunteers, finances, governance, marketing, funding and everything in between – become a member today.

Or email admin@cvsinverclyde.org.uk or call 01475 711 733 and find out how we can help you.

Funding is a critical issue for all organisations, whatever their size or stage of development. Whether you are just setting up or have delivered services for many years we are here to provide advice and guidance to help you meet your funding goals.

One to one funding surgeries and our application editing and enhancement service provide bespoke solutions to meet your needs.

If you are looking to expand your knowledge and understanding of funding opportunities, sign up for our monthly funding e-bulletin, or look out for regular events including the Funding Conversation series, which gives direct access to funders and the opportunity to ask questions.

Get in touch to learn more.

View our funding bulletin for a list of a huge variety of funds listed by deadline.


Managed Funds

Inverclyde Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults 2024/25.




Effective partnership working involves organisations and sectors working together to provide the best possible support for communities across Inverclyde. As the third sector interface for Inverclyde, we are well placed to link third sector groups with public sector bodies such as Inverclyde Council and Health Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

To do this we have different networks that meet often: Resilience Network, Best Start in Life Network, Learning Disabilities Network and Wellbeing Network. Likewise, CVS Inverclyde represents the local third sector at many strategic groups, enabling these organisations to take an active role in the delivery of health and social care in Inverclyde.

Our partnership working means we can deliver services, projects, and funding for the benefit of the people of Inverclyde. This includes our work to challenge stigma, helping Inverclyde #KeepThePromise for care experienced young people, delivering a wellbeing campaign in the wake of Covid-19, administering funding for third sector organisations to create a network of warm spaces and much more.

Community Link Workers

CVS Inverclyde Community Link Workers are here to support patients of all GP practices in Inverclyde by offering a listening ear and a helping hand to guide them to services that are right for them. The team provide support for any non-medical issues that impact on people’s health and wellbeing.

At some point in our life, we all struggle with challenges such as low income, debt, benefits, bereavement, disabilities, relationship issues, long term conditions, isolation, employment or housing difficulties. The Community Link Workers work alongside individuals to connect them to the services and resources that will alleviate these problems and help them to find long-term solutions to promote good mental and physical health.

If you think one of our team could be the right help or support for you, please get in touch with your GP practice to make an appointment to speak with the Community Link Worker.

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