Best Start in Life Network
The Best Start in Life Network provides a platform for organisations that support children, young people and families to come together to share national and local updates and best practice. Aligned with the priorities within Inverclyde’s Children’s Services Plan (CSP), the Best Start in Life Network also gives third sector organisations an opportunity to demonstrate how their work contributes to the aims of the CSP and the health and wellbeing of children and families across Inverclyde Every quarter
- January
- April
- July
- October

3rd Sector Community Justice Forum
Inverclyde’s new 3rd Sector Community Justice Forum is a subgroup of the local Community Justice Partnership. As the local TSI, CVS Inverclyde is helping to establish this Forum. The 3SCJF offers an opportunity to share national policy and best-practice with and among local 3rd sector organisations who support people involved with the justice system. Because these individuals can also engage with children and families, drug and alcohol recover services, mental health supports and more, 3SCJF welcomes membership from a wide variety of 3rd sector providers. Our aim is to build a holistic system around these individuals and their families and to promote the ethos of community justice.
- 13/06/2023
- 08/08/2023
- 03/10/2023
- 28/11/2023
- 23/01/2024
- 19/03/2024
- 14/05/2024
- 09/07/2024

Our networks
Learning Disabilities Network
The Learning Disabilities Network is for any third sector organisation and/or public sector partner who support people with learning disabilities and autism, their families and carers. The network provides a platform to discuss relevant topics, local and national updates and opportunities for collaboration and/or peer support. The programme of work based on locally priorities and educational needs identified by the membership Every quarter
- March
- June
- September
- December
Resilience Network
The Resilience Network is a space for knowledge exchange, collaboration and partnership working for third sector organisations, public sector partners and interested stakeholders to promote a holistic approach to supporting our community to build resilience and foster hope. The Network’s programme of work is built around the 13 Areas of Impact, which incorporate the social determinates of health. The Network aims to maximise links with other work happening locally to reduce duplication and silo working, which increasing the third sector’s contribution to the integration of health and social care.
Every quarter
- February
- May
- August
- November

Our Networks
Volunteers Coordinator Network
This network aims to bring volunteer coordinators/manager together to discuss and share all aspects of local volunteering. The main themes of this meeting are; CVSI Update (national update); Organisational Update and occasionally we will have a speaker. This network is also a peer learning network where we learn and share from each other in a confidential space Every quarter
- 29/08/23 10:00
- 28/11/23 10:00
Social Enterprise Network
The network aims to bring together local organisation who have a social enterprise structure. The network is an opportunity to celebrate entrepreneurship, build partnerships and gather in a closed space to discuss both opportunities and challenges of running a social enterprise. Every quarter
- Dates TBC
Our Networks